Liaison Collaborations

The liaison task of GIANCE focuses on fostering close and proactive collaboration with ongoing and future projects, initiatives, platforms, and networks, with particular attention to the Graphene Flagship CSA project.

Key objectives include joining forces to exchange ideas, methodologies, and best practices; gathering valuable insights on critical economic, social, and environmental challenges and solutions; and leveraging shared communication channels and tools to maximise stakeholder engagement and audience reach. Clustering activities will emphasise the co-organisation of workshops and conferences to enhance visibility across the EU and internationally

2D-BioPAD aims to introduce a fast and cost-effective, minimally-invasive, reliable, digitally and graphene enabled Point-of-Care (PoC) in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) device for supporting the early diagnosis and progression monitoring of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) directly at primary healthcare settings. To achieve this, 2D-BioPAD leverages the unique properties of 2D materials, such as graphene and its derivatives, along other key technologies such as nanomaterials, aptamers, and AI.

Le proteasi sono recentemente emerse come una nuova promettente classe di biomarcatori con un ampio potenziale diagnostico, prognostico e terapeutico per diverse malattie umane, tra cui malattie neurologiche e psichiatriche, diversi tipi di cancro e disturbi del sistema immunitario. Tuttavia, mancano strumenti per l’analisi dell’attività in tempo reale dei biomarcatori proteasi correlati alla malattia.
Discover more detail on the website.

Dedicated to eco-friendly graphene material integration for energy devices, GRAPHERGIA collaborates with GIANCE under the Graphene Flagship, sharing findings and outcomes across websites and social media.

A project advancing safer, lighter, and more sustainable automotive structures through circular and crash-compatible design for electric vehicles. GIANCE and SALIENT align through their shared focus on lightweight materials in automotive applications

Elca (European Lightweight Cluster Alliance)

The largest Pan-European network for lightweight materials and technologies, ELCA connects with GIANCE through its focus on lightweight.

Graphene flagship
Graphene flagship

A close collaboration with the Graphene Flagship ecosystem includes participating in CSA events, campaigns, and initiatives like Graphene Week, ensuring continuous opportunities for engagement and mutual visibility materials in the automotive sector. Together, they disseminate project outcomes across ELCA’s extensive network.